Precious time, saved purposefully

Your value are your meals

More meal prep means more sales. You can't get the most out of your time when constantly managing orders, customers and deliveries.

Automate the admin

We built a software specifically for home chefs, to minimize your management time so you can actually produce more and grow faster.
Chef waiting an order

Create your online counter

Create your menus, publish them and switch up which meals you want to offer. Receive all your orders online along with any customer request.

Automate your meal prep plan

Based on your incoming orders, our software will give you a complete ingredient list and quantities to help you get your meals out seamlessly and quickly.


Plan out your deliveries

Whether you want multiple dropoff points or home deliveries, get an automated and planned route in advance for each order.


Centralized customer info

Chef waiting an order
Find all your client's info in one simple and comprehensive place.

Automated Payment

Piggy bank illustration
No more chasing after payments. Clients choose their meals and pay on the spot.

Flexible delivery methods

Avoid forcing your clients to come to that one drop off point.

Simple e-commerce website

Chef waiting an order
Stop taking orders on paper, or on e-forms. We have online carts for that.

Efficient meal prep tools

Piggy bank illustration
Automated orders, templated menus, quantity recaps, it's all in there.

Calendar view

View and manage your menus and deliveries through one simple page.

Book a live demo

No pressure. No obligations. Just a demo to see how it all works and more importantly, see if it's right for you.

Frequently Asked Question

Who can become a Fooder?

Pretty much anyone, so long as you have the legal age in your country to start your business. For more info, please refer to our legal information page

Do I need a license to start selling my food on FoodRing?

For more info, please refer to our legal information page.

How much can I earn per week?

This depends a lot the frequency of your delivery dates, as well as the amount you sell each time. You can contact us and we can sort it out together.

What can I sell on FoodRing?

Pretty much anything that can be eaten. Whether it is bread, jams, sprouts, cooked meals. Whatever you want.

What is a "creation"?

We call 'Creations' any type of food registered for the purpose of being sold. We want users to feel creative...

What is a "counter"?

It is the central element of your account, your online store. It's there to manage your creations, your menus, your delivery methods, orders, payments, etc.