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Montreal, QC H4C 1C8

Pizzeria PizzaArtMTL


Sicilian style artisan pan pizza in 8.5x8.5 inch squares made with 5 day cold fermented dough using the sourdough method. This pizza is uniquely light, fluffy, airy, and digestible with a melt in your mouth texture that has a slightly crispy exterior from baking in the pan with olive oil. Almost more of a focaccia with pizza ingredients than a traditional pizza, there is no other product like this in Montreal. Premium ingredients. Expertly made by one man. Regular specials. A must try.

About us

Dan Krystal, award wining pizza chef behind Gentile pizza parlour, has been a sourdough baker at one of the most reputed bakeries, cooking professionally, making pizza at just about every noteworthy pizzeria in Mtl and running kitchens since 2008.

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